
Common Job Hunting Mistakes - And How To Avoid Them - Spec On The Job

Written by Kat Tallman | Apr 18, 2018 10:56:39 AM

Competition for jobs is fierce, and first impressions are everything. That means even the smallest mistake when applying for a job can torpedo a candidate’s chances of moving on to an interview.

Watch out for these common mistakes when you’re looking for a job.


1. Applying For a Job You’re Not Licensed/Certified For

It’s okay to apply for certain jobs that you’re not 100% qualified for. “Soft skills” – like a strong work ethic, great communication skills, and a positive attitude – count for a lot in the job market.

But there are certain job requirements that no amount of “soft skills” can ever overcome.

If a job ad requests applicants who have a certain license or certification, don’t bother applying unless you have that license in-hand. Some examples: a CDL or a Plumber’s License.

When a company specifies a need for licensed candidates, it’s for both safety and legal reasons. Putting an unlicensed worker on the job can expose either other employees or the public to safety hazards. It also opens the hiring company up to lawsuits.

Applying for a variety of jobs online can be quick and easy. But if you don’t have the license or certification needed, you’re wasting time that you could be devoting to applying for jobs that you’re more qualified for.


2. Unprofessional Email Addresses

The only email address you should use when applying for jobs is one that clearly reflects your name.

An email address like freak131 or thelonewolf makes an unprofessional first impression. It’s also something that a hiring manager is likely to remember more than the content of your resume.

If you need to, create a free email account to use for job applications at Gmail, Live, or Yahoo. If you do create a dedicated email account for job hunting, make sure you check it for replies from hiring managers every 24 hours.


3. Not Including Full Contact Information

As your job application works it way through a company, it’s likely to be reviewed by more than one person.

So it’s vital that you put your complete contact information in every email and on every document you send. That way your full contact information will be available to everyone who prints your resume, forwards your emails, or makes a copy of your application.


4. Sharing Email/Social Media Accounts

Some family members choose to share their email addresses and/or social media accounts. This is okay for keeping in touch with friends and family. But if you’re communicating with a hiring manager, it’s crucial that you create email addresses and social media accounts just for yourself.

Not only does maintaining your own email and social media accounts look more professional. But it also cuts down on confusion. Hiring managers often communicate with dozens of people for just one open position. The easier you make it for them to keep straight who they’re corresponding with, the better your chances are of getting called in for an interview. Otherwise, you might get lost in the shuffle.



Source: US News






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