Spec On The Job Blog


Business News Flash – Baltimore, MD

February 11 2019

February 11, 2019


$15 minimum wage debate heats up in Baltimore, MD

Sources:Holden Wilen, Baltimore Bay Business Journal
Pamela Wood, The Baltimore Sun


construction news Baltimore, MD

On February 8, Maryland lawmakers heard hours of testimony both for and against a proposed minimum wage hike.

House Bill 166 would not only raise the state-wide minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2023. It would then also tie the wage to the Consumer Price Index.

Advocates for the bill said the state’s current minimum wage has failed to keep up with inflation, keeping too many workers stuck in poverty. However, opponents of the bill – which include groups such as business owners and trade associations – argued the move will force them to lay off employees or even move out of the state entirely.

Maryland last raised its minimum wage to $10.10 in 2014.





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