Construction concepts in today’s construction industry have been known to hit a stand still where trends are concerned and could sometimes be considered old-fashioned. However, here are three defining trends which could revolutionize construction concepts and bring new levels of innovation to the industry. These three defining trends were brought forward during the World Built Environment Forum in Washington, DC by experts in the field.
Big Data
Big Data is a construction concept that refers to the idea that by analyzing copious amounts of data, professionals within the construction industry can significantly improve efficiency. This new level of efficiency will not only further their individual goals but the goals of the construction industry as a whole. The guiding principle behind Big Data is the idea that when faced with a problem or decision individuals can now let data determine what route should be taken, thereby improving the outcome of almost every problem that would have previously been solved without the use of data. This will also provide a sense of advanced reporting that has not been able to take place in the past. This will prove its worth in many aspects of the field, including cost analysis, growth projections, and more.
High-Performing Buildings
The original cost of a high-performance building construction project can often cause developers to shy away from even beginning the process. According to Henry Green, president of the National Institute of Building Sciences, this is the wrong thought process to have in regards to these types of projects. The costs which will be saved over the long term after investing in a high-performance building can often outweigh the original costs by a significant amount that are associated with the project. The features of high-performance buildings which are responsible for these long-term cost savings are resilience, sustainability, environmental impact, and value to the occupants.
Collaborative Contract Approach
The collaborative contract approach is a construction concept which refers to the emerging trend which forms partnerships between private and public sector parties in terms of contracts within the construction industry. This change is bringing a great deal of efficiency and innovation to construction. This new public-private contract model is known as P3, and it has taken off significantly after its immediate impact and the positive results it has generated. Experts in the field have referred to this new model as a way of bringing previously opposing forces onto the same side, and exerting their combined effort to solve problems. By doing so the P3 model has diffused the discord that exists between the public and private sectors where construction is concerned. As far as construction concepts go the collaborative contract is revolutionary.
These recent trends and approaches that have been introduced into the construction industry bring hope for growth and new innovations. The possibilities that can come are endless. By using these trends in your company, you will be able to see what they can do for you!
Source: Construction Dive

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