It’s a wonder why forward-facing dash cams are not already used nationwide for all CDL truck drivers. However, most companies do now have their drivers equipped with forward-facing dash cams. The forward-facing dash cam pays for itself in a short amount of time. For example, even for a very minor accident, with the dash cam footage there is no doubt who is at fault. This creates great savings in insurance for the driver and company.
Driver-Facing Dash Cams
However, what is far from standard, but is gaining traction, is the use of driver-facing dash cams. At first there was some push back from drivers who felt that they were under constant surveillance. But, this resistance has greatly reduced, because it would only make the irresponsible and lazy drivers uncomfortable. Good drivers have nothing to fear.
SmartDrive Systems sells their dash cam packages now including two cameras, one for facing the road (forward-facing) and driver-facing. The driver-facing dash cam had an unexpected effect on company’s policy. One company had a no-tolerance policy for collisions. This means regardless of fault (because there was no concrete evidence), if one of their driver got into a collision, they would be fired. When they implemented the dash cams they discovered that most the collisions were not the fault of their drivers. The company has since changed their policy.
The dual dash cams have saved time and money for drivers and trucking companies. In the event of an accident with no dash cam evidence there is doubt. Litigators can draw out proceedings. However, with the dash cam evidence accidents are settled more quickly, which equates to less money spent.
Safety Accountability
Furthermore, the dual dash cams increase safety accountability. The driver-facing cams have identified unsafe driver habits. Anything from texting to eating to grooming is a distraction that CDL drivers cannot afford. There is ample evidence to show that most accidents are caused by the other driver. However, even if the accident is caused by the other driver, if the CDL driver is doing one of those distracting habits, it is brought into question if they could have avoided the accident.
The dash cams for CDL drivers can also link up to the computer in the truck to analyze fuel and driving habits. The cams can detect excessive speeding or aggressive driving with is poor for fuel efficiency. As well, the cams can test out new technologies or equipment. The company can compare the efficiency of a new add on to their trucks versus what they already have, such as trailer skirts.
In the long run whether it be forward-facing dash cams alone or the dual package, the benefits in the long run are undeniable. Most CDL drivers are good drivers and follow the rules. When accidents occur, it is usually the other drivers fault. Click here to see a compilation of all the near misses just one driver has to deal with all the time. Many trucking companies have already implemented dash cams and some are starting to use the dual cams as well. Companies that have started using the dual cams have immediately seen an increase in safety accountability and reduced cost in the event of an accident.
Original source: Overdrive

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