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Diesel, Lumber, And Staffing News – April 25 2018




National Average Price Per Gallon: $3.133


Diesel market prices

High demand has pushed oil prices to a three-year high.

The national average for a gallon of gas climbed to $2.76. This is the highest it’s been since the summer of 2015, when the cost rose to $2.81

“While it won’t cost motorists as much as it did during 2011-2014, it will cost them millions more ever0 day versus last year,” said Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst for GasBuddy.com.







Framing lumber: $498

Panels/plywood: $529

Seasonal demand pushed prices higher for both framing lumber and structural panel products last week.

However, while warming weather pushed demand, freight and logistics issues did create supply shortages in some areas.






Consumer confidence rose in April after a fall in March.

The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index increased to 128.7, up from 127 in March.

“Consumers’ assessment of current conditions improved somewhat, with consumers rating both business and labor market conditions quite favorably,” said Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators at the Conference Board.

The index measures Americans’ views of both current and future economic conditions.



Sources: Random Lengths, EIACNBC (1), CNBC (2)






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