Spec On The Job Blog


Double Check Your Resume!

We recently discussed those over used and cringe worthy words that people tend to use on their resume.  Now, it’s time to check and double check your resume!  There are some common mistakes everyone has made at least once on their resume.  Recruiters go through possibly hundreds of resumes a week.  When we see these common mistakes, it reflects badly on you.  These mistakes could even cost you getting a phone call.  A recruiter is more likely to contact the resume that avoids these mistakes.  Take a look at the list below and make sure you aren’t committing these mistakes on your resume!



Ouch!  Spelling is one of the easiest things to check!  When you type up your resume, do so in a word processor like Microsoft Word that will automatically check for spelling errors.  However, word processors will not catch everything because you may have misspelled a word that is actually a word, but not the one you wanted to use.  A grammar error here and there can be overlooked, even a couple spelling errors can be forgiven.  But, if your resume has a spelling error in every section, the recruiter will be less than impressed.  Pro Tip: Read you resume out loud, that is the best way to catch errors!


Correct Tense

As time goes on you will add to your resume.  Your most recent, current job will likely be in present tense.  You will say things like, “In this position I am responsible for…”  That is acceptable, because it is the job you are currently doing.  However, all other previous jobs on your resume should be in the past tense.  Your other jobs will read like, “In this position I was responsible for…”  This seems like a minor thing, but think about if you were reading a book.  How weird would it be if the author kept jumping back and forth between present and past tense?  You could hardly get through one page!



Sometimes you may have more than one resume when applying for different jobs.  Each resume should have a focus to it.  If you are applying for a “Jack of all Trades” position, a resume with varied experience is great.  However, if you are applying for a forklift operator position, you resume should yell “Forklift Operator!”  That doesn’t mean only list your forklift jobs, but your experience should reflect how you can be a great forklift operator.  Warehouse and machine operating experience should be your focus.


Rejected resume

Font and Size

You want your resume to stand out, but not because you’re using a crazy or exciting font.  Make your resume stand out by being focused and clean looking.  There are several fonts that are good for resumes, check them out here!  You’ll also find out what fonts NOT to use.  The size of your text should not be tiny to force a bunch of information onto one page.  It also shouldn’t huge to fill the space.  Your font should always be between 11pt-14pt (max!).


Format – PDF

Your resume is best delivered as a PDF.  While you may be creating your resume in Microsoft Word, different versions of the software have different readability.  Also, your spacing and bullet points could get messed up when opened in another version of Microsoft Word.  By printing your resume to a PDF you’ll ensure the way it looks when you send it is how it will look when the recruiter opens it!


Naming Your Resume

The file name of your resume matters.  Recruiters look at so many resumes a day, how many of those are titled “Resume.pdf”?  Best policy is your full name, month, and date.  For example: “JohnDoeResumeMay2017.pdf.”


Fact Check Yourself

It’s very tempting to “pad” your resume to help you get a job.  Chances are it will back fire.  In the blue-collar industries, you must be able to prove your skills.  If you claim you are a Mid-Level Carpenter, you better know how to BE a Mid-Level Carpenter.  Similarly, there is no point in lying on your resume as a CDL Driver, because DOT requires potential employers to contact your previous employers who will definitely tell them what kind of driver you are, good or bad.



Original source: Glassdoor






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