According to the job search website,, trucking jobs are becoming an increasingly lucrative profession in the modern economy. A key reason for the rise in salaries for truckers is the massive shortage of truck drivers in the United States. The shortage of truck drivers is forcing numerous companies such as Wal-Mart, Fed-Ex, and Estes Trucking to pay their drivers incredible rates.
As of 2017, the average salary for truck driving jobs is $62,518. This figure that can increase due to exceptional performance. It can also come in the form of bonuses.
“Spec on the Job” can link potential truck drivers with companies that would meet, and possibly exceed, the average salary. For example, Acme Truck Line, offers an annual salary of $82,892 to their drivers which is an impressive $39 a hour.
The Truck Driver Shortage
Due to the increasing shortage of truck drivers, the average salaries of truckers are trending upward. This reflects companies trying to fill the labor shortage by offering great paying trucking jobs.
Another reason that truck drivers are likely to see increasing salaries is because of the growth of the American economy. This is requiring more freight to be shipped throughout the country. The improvement of the American economy is forcing companies to pay their truck drivers more. This is because of the rising volume in freight that is needed to be transported. The American Trucking Associations Chief Economist, Bob Costello, commented, “As we continue to see growth in the overall economy, particularly due to manufacturing, consumer spending and international trade, we will also see increases in the amount of freight moved in America’s trucks.” This further highlights how trucking will continue to be a profitable profession for the foreseeable future.
The American Trucking Association predicts that the overall freight tonnage will grow 35% between 2016 and 2027. This statistic further underlines how truck driving can be a long-term occupation. For ambitious people who have an interest in earning the even larger salaries, truck driving is a great option.
Over the next decade, companies in the US will need to hire over 890,000 new drivers to keep up with the growing demand. The solution is attracting new drivers to the industry with great pay.
Starting a truck driving career, or finding the right job, can be a daunting task that seems difficult. Sometimes it’s because you simply don’t knowing where to start. Luckily, Spec on the Job facilitates that step and links potential workers with employers. Through using this website, you can accelerate finding a trucking job as they become more readily available.
Original sources:,,

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