The differences between short and long haul trucking make them very different career choices. Some key differences are present between the two varieties of trucking. These include pay, travel distance, career outlook, and time commitment. These important differences make it easier for new truck drivers to differentiate between the two career options.
Although money is not the sole motivator behind choosing a career, it can be high on the list. In terms of trucking, there are fairly large differences in pay between short and long haul truckers. Short-haul truckers earn on average $12,000 dollars less per year than their long-haul counterparts. This is a significant statistic because it means that many new truck drivers are swayed in their career decision by the huge difference in pay.
Travel Distance
The most basic difference between short and long haul drivers is the distance over which they travel. Long-haul drivers are on the road for weeks at a time and sleep in their vehicles. Short-haul drivers, on the other hand, are usually employed in the delivery services industry and work a normal day shift schedule. These differences in distance are what create the differences in time commitment. The longer miles required of long-haul truckers create the necessity for much longer hours on the job. Since short-haul truckers usually, only operate during the day they are under a much less extensive time commitment. Logically these differences in hours and miles are what create the large pay gap between short and long haul truckers.
Career Outlook
As with many other careers, the more you work the more possibilities you have for advancement. This means that long-haul truckers have more upward mobility within their companies. In the same way, short-haul truckers who work less than their long-haul counterparts have fewer opportunities for promotion. New truck drivers who hope to rise in the ranks and one day become an owner operator usually, opt for the more demanding long-haul route. There are exceptions to these differences, but for the most part, they hold true.
Bottom Line
The bottom line is that the most important differences between short and long haul trucking are the pay, time commitment, travel distance, and possibility for advancement. These differences are what new truckers should use to decide between career options.
Source: Yuma Truck Driving School

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