The staffing industry provides job placement services for candidates and alleviates the burden of hiring and screening from the shoulders of employers. Although the industry sometimes goes unnoticed, it is a huge contributor to the United States economy. With estimated revenues of $140 billion this year, the staffing agency is a big deal.
For candidates
Staffing agencies such as Spec Personnel LLC are designed to connect candidates with well fitting jobs. Staffing agencies employ, on average, 16 million people per year. By contacting a staffing agency a candidate can easily make the transition from unemployment to a regular wage earning position, or make a switch between jobs. An extended spell of unemployment can significantly damage a candidates long term chances of success in their chosen career. This is where staffing agencies can help, by connecting workers with willing employers the staffing industry as a whole reduces the number of people living with unemployment.
For employers
Many employers see the hiring and screening process as time consuming and difficult to navigate. Staffing agencies take the difficulty out of hiring by contacting and interviewing candidates for their client companies. This means that after an employer hires a staffing company they will not have to worry about hiring or interviewing candidates for as long as they are in business with the chosen staffing agency. Instead they will have a group of background checked, interviewed, skilled, and experienced workers at their finger tips.
Staffing on the rise
The staffing industry has been in a state of constant growth. This fact can be attributed to the fact that there are always candidates looking for work, and employers looking for skilled labor. Staffing agencies connect the two groups quickly and effectively thereby bringing value to both sides of the process. The longer a candidate goes without work the worse their chances of being employed become, and the longer businesses are under staffed the more time and money they waste. This is the problem which staffing agencies have addressed. Because staffing agencies fill such a necessary role in the work place, the growth we have seen in the industry will most likely be here to stay.
Bottom line
Candidates and employers can benefit greatly from going into business with a staffing agency. We at Spec Personnel would be delighted to be the ones who land you a job as a candidate or handle your recruiting as an employer.
Source: News

“Helping our clients get jobs done since 1998.”