Temporary positions are increasing in popularity through out the United States. These types of positions are a growing trend, because they are a great way to put a worker’s talent to use. They also allow for a quick transition into the workforce for those currently unemployed. Temporary positions can, however, be difficult to land if the candidate comes to an interview unprepared. We hope the following tips help prepare you for the temporary position interview process!
Skill and Position
Temporary positions are often meant for a candidate with a specific skill for example: welder, truck driver, electrician, or dock worker. It is important to identify your skill before the interview process and make sure the temporary position will fit. Following on from this, it is a good idea to fully understand the temporary position for which you are applying so that the employer knows you are serious about the job. Identifying your most advanced skill before beginning the process will also help you narrow down your options and save you time.
The interview process for a temporary position moves much quicker than that of a full time position. This means that you must have your references ready when you begin the process in order to be a competitive candidate. Many times employers will be interviewing multiple candidates and will not wait for you to get your references in order once the process has begun. This problem is easy enough to avoid, just have your references ready when you walk into the interview!
Not the End of the Road
It is important to remember that many temporary positions can lead to a full time job offer. Often times an employer will extend a full time job offer to a temporary employee if the employee’s work is excellent and the employer is in need of more full time staff. This means that you should always put forth your best work while in a temporary position. Although temporary positions are known for their quick turn around, this does not have to be the case! If you hope to gain a full time offer from your temporary position remember to put your best foot forward while on the job.
Bottom Line
Temporary positions are becoming more plentiful, and are a good way to keep yourself working. The interview process for a temporary position is fast moving, and this makes it important for you to have your research on the position done before you begin. Your references should also be at the ready when going into an interview for a temporary position to ensure that you have a chance at landing the job. We hope these tips have helped, and good luck with the process!
Source: CIO
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