Spec On The Job Blog


Workers Struggling to Pass Drug Tests

January 01 2016

Surprisingly it is becoming harder for employers to hire workers due to the candidates not being able to pass a drug test.  Employers are trying to rebuild from the recession, but they are finding out that not many workers can pass a pre-employment drug test. This article will highlight some of the reasons why this hiring hurdle is occurring.


What’s Causing This?

  • For starters, drug testing is becoming more common at big corporations and even in smaller companies. In addition, some industries like trucking are required by law to use drug tests.
  • Another reason is that employers have noticed an increase in the use of drugs. The main one employers struggle with is marijuana.


Why It’s Hard to See the Whole Problem

There is not much data on the problem because most of the figures miss the many people who do not take tests they cannot pass. This makes it hard for businesses and even state governments to figure out what the solution should be.


Shortage of Workers

  • Industries like trucking are almost always short on the amount of drivers they need. And a lot of it has to do with drug testing.


Drugs or Jobs?

Although, some potential employees opt out at the mention of a drug test, others welcome it. A father to 3 young girls, lost his teeth to drugs, and used marijuana since he was 8. He decided to take a job paying $13 an hour that required drug testing so he could make ends meet for his family. He quit taking drugs 3 weeks before the test and has never gone back to that lifestyle.

Far too often people want the job, but they want to still maintain the drug-using lifestyle. What it really comes down to is a choice.



Source: NY Times






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