Spec On The Job Blog

Every employer (and employee) would probably prefer it if every job could be a permanent job. That w...
Since 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Act has saved the lives of more than 553,000 workers....
Weekly changes in the prices of diesel and lumber give a quick snapshot into the state of staffing i...
Today kicks off National Staffing Employee Week. Spec On The Job wants to say “thank you” to our wor...
Trucks move 99% of the consumer goods that we find on store shelves. Every day the nation’s freight ...
In March we wrote about how electric trucks are already moving freight in Europe. And these vehicles...
Weekly changes in the prices of diesel and lumber give a quick snapshot into the state of staffing i...
In 2007, the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge collapsed in Minneapolis during evening rush hour. 13 pe...
More than a year ago we wrote about how businesses were scrambling to find workers who could pass a ...
2017 has been a bad year for traditional retail. Established firms like The Limited and hhgregg disa...