Spec On The Job Blog

Hundreds, if not thousands, of years of culture and gender pigeon holing can be hard to shirk off. S...
There has been a lot of recent talk, across all industries, about background checks and how they aff...
Cell phones offer truck drivers useful information such as weather and delivery points which can sig...
This year, Omnitracs, a transportation software company, invested $60 million in Peloton Technology,...
As of 2015, there had been 628 reports of cargo theft in the United States. This accounts for an ast...
According to the job search website, truckerdriversalary.com, trucking jobs are becoming an increasi...
There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the possibility of autonomous trucks. Trucks with no driver? ...
Newer doesn’t always mean better, but oh boy, these new trucks! Recently Volvo Truck North America a...
We recently discussed those over used and cringe worthy words that people tend to use on their resum...
Driver safety is always a top concern. When your occupation is driving your risk of accident increas...